The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is responsible for making sure that truck drivers follow strict hours-of-service regulations. However, these regulations are often revised, and not for the better. If a driver is allowed to drive for a long number of hours and this leads to the truck driver crashing into your vehicle, this will play an important role in your case. A truck accident lawyer can look at how long a truck driver was driving, and help you determine if it constitutes negligence.
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As the victim of an accident, you should know that your medical treatment will have a huge effect on your injury claim. The following are some of the specific aspects of your medical treatment that will affect your compensation.
Treatment Delay
Many injuries need immediate medical attention, and delayed treatment can lead to complications and increase the eventual cost of treatment. Therefore, the defendant might argue for reduced damages if you delayed your treatment after the accident.
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It takes just seconds for another individual's reckless driving to result in a collision, with consequences that could affect your life for many years. If you've suffered accident-related injuries as a result of another individual's negligence, you may not be sure what to do and how to go about claiming monetary damages for the losses that you have sustained as a result. Below, you will learn a few things that you can do that will assist your auto accident attorney in protecting your individual rights and achieving the best possible outcome.
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Following an auto accident, you may be looking to utilize an auto accident attorney service. However, prior to hiring an attorney, the attorney will have a consultation with you. During this consultation, both you and the lawyer will have the opportunity to learn more about each other and decide if you want to work together on the case. In some cases, an attorney may decide that they do not want to take on your case.
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If you have been hurt by a careless driver, you may be entitled to claim damages. The word "damages" means the direct form of harm perpetrated on you by the accident. Compensatory damages are one category of damages where the harm done can be directly connected to a specific dollar amount. For example, all the money spent on your medical expenses related to the accident can be paid back to you.
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