When you are a careful driver, you may figure that everything will go fine on the road. Accidents can happen even for the most careful of drivers, especially when other drivers are making careless moves. If you are hit by a driver that has no insurance, this can take a situation from bad to worse. Figuring out what to do after an accident can be hard without help. Here are three things to do if you are hit by a driver that has no insurance.
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In personal injury cases, most of the time there is the person claiming the injury and desiring compensation, and there is the person being sued for said compensation. These cases are generally straightforward, and the judge may or may not hold the sued party responsible for the injured person's injuries. However, there is another set of personal injury cases where people actually die because of someone else's neglect or actions.
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If you were the victim of an auto accident that caused a serious injury, you may feel that the case is pretty cut and dry. However, you may not always receive the compensation that you feel you deserve. Compensation in auto accidents is often based on a percentage of fault. For instance, if you were 25% responsible for causing the accident, you'd receive 75% of the total damages you sustained. That is why it is worth finding out how to maximize your compensation after an auto accident.
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If you know you or a loved one will be in a courtroom soon, you are likely looking for a lawyer for either yourself or on their behalf. But if any part of the case involves a person who speaks Spanish, you might not want to hire just any lawyer. There could be multiple advantages both in and out of the courtroom if you take the time to find a lawyer who a foreign language.
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If you've been hurt in a wreck, you might need to take some action beyond getting medical attention. Seeing to your health is vital, but taking some time to consider the impact the accident will have your finances and your life, in general, may prompt you to file a claim for compensation. You can be paid money damages if the other party was at fault in any way, and this is money that you will need more acutely as time passes.
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