Working With A Better Attorney

If You Suspect Medical Malpractice, Take These Actions ASAP

Medical malpractice is serious, and it is more common than you might think. By some estimates, one million medication mistakes happen each year in the U.S., not to mention surgical errors, birth injuries, and negligent misdiagnoses. One thing that is sad, however, is that many people who suffer the effects of medical malpractice do not even end up filing cases against the doctors and practitioners who mistreat them. Sometimes this is due to fear or a lack of knowledge, but other times, it's because they wait too long to take action — and either the evidence is gone or the statute of limitations has expired by the time they pursue a case. Read More 

3 Automobile Accident Misconceptions

Automobile accidents are an unfortunate part of life. Not only will they wreak havoc on your vehicle and possible health, but these accidents can also take a toll on your finances. Fortunately, help is available. If you were recently involved in an accident, understanding your rights is imperative. By learning the truth behind a few common misconceptions, you will understand the process of handling an automobile accident. Low-Impact Accidents are Not Big Deals Read More 

What Is Loss Of Enjoyment In A Car Accident Case?

There are many different things you can receive compensation for after a major car accident, and one of these things is for loss of enjoyment. If you were majorly hurt in an accident, this is something you might be able to seek compensation for, and here are a few things you should understand about this common term in car accidents. The definition of loss of enjoyment Loss of enjoyment is a term that refers to losing out on things you enjoy in life due to injuries you incur from a car accident, or from some other type of situation. Read More 

Ways That a Passenger Who Wasn’t Wearing a Seat Belt Could Harm Your Car Accident Case

Insisting that your passengers fasten their seatbelts before you shift your vehicle into "Drive" is a simple way to avoid a hefty traffic ticket in the event that a police officer sees you drive past. However, ensuring that your passengers are buckled up is about more than just preventing a ticket. If you're in a car accident and the investigators learn that your passengers aren't wearing their belts—something that is easy for paramedics and physicians to tell—this could be detrimental to any legal case that you want to bring forward. Read More 

Typical Causes Of Wrong Way Accidents

A wrong-way accident can be one of the most devastating car crashes because it's likely to be a head-on collision. If a wrong-way driver crashes into your car, you need to know the exact reason they were going the wrong way to help you identify the liable party. Here are some of the common causes of wrong-way driving and the liable potentially liable parties in each case: Intoxication Intoxication impairs judgment be it as a result of alcohol use or use of another drug; this is why driving under the influence is a crime. Read More